Monday, September 24, 2012

Mama Leta I miss you

Dear Mama Leta,
You went home 6 years ago. I miss you everyday. Michael and I have been married for almost 2 years and hope that you can see joy and love we have for each other. I think of you at the big moments and the small. I think of you when I wear pink...I just bought pink sparkly TOMS that reminded me of you. I am wearing them today. I think of you when we get pizza from Selby's and remember all the picnics and late night talks we had in your bedroom. I thought of you when we got engaged and thought finally I really am going to be your daughter. I thought of you when we bought our house and hoped that you would like it. I thought of you on our wedding day and missed you so much my heart ached. I wanted you to see how happy I was to have your son and wanted you to hold my hand. I think of you when I garden and laugh and imagine you telling me I'm crazy where am I going to put another plant!?. I look around my house while I'm sitting with Michael and just think you would have loved this. I always hear your voice saying..."when do I get grand babies" and shooting me your eye crinkling smile :) I will think of you when we have our first baby and will want you to be with us so badly.  I miss you at the silliest moments and sometimes think I am going to walk upstairs in the old house and see you sleeping. Sometimes I dream about you and we talk just like we used to...those are the best dreams its like you are coming back to visit. You were an amazing light in my life and I will always carry that light with me.

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